

Smile. Your mood will soon catch up.

Does that not seem like the perfect quote? 

Without fail, every year around this time I fall in to a major slump. I feel completely void of any inspiration and probably couldn't put together a good blog post if I tried. With the busyness that last month brought, I managed to blog one time. One time. While a part of me is slightly ashamed and embarrassed, the "glass-half-full" part of me is saying that one blog post is better than nothing! One blog post last month means that while I wish I could spend all day baking away for recipe posts and researching sites for fashion inspiration, I was busy at my jobs (doing things that I enjoy and challenge me) and building relationships and making memories with my friends in the evening and on the weekends. I don't want to make excuses for not blogging and don't feel that I need to. I refuse to let the lack of blog posts make me feel bad. 

I was busy in February and had an incredible month. February was great, with all it's holidays that I loved celebrating (Valentine's Day and National Margarita Day), it's cold weather that makes for the perfect excuse to curl up by the fireplace and use my hot chocolate maker, and the Olympics!

With February gone, (so quickly!) I am welcoming March with open arms. While we are currently still stuck in cold weather, I know that the warm weather is just around the corner. March brings spring fashion, wedding season (call me crazy, but I love it!), March Madness and bracket frenzy, a trip to Charleston with my family, and a weekend trip to Dallas. I don't care that almost every day of the weekend is already accounted for- I couldn't be more excited about these events and the people I get to experience them with!

Even though I felt in a slump and spent most of the last month freezing, I know that I also spent most of the month smiling. Maybe my blog gets neglected at times, but by putting a smile on and taking the time to sit down and write this post, I am already feeling more inspired and ready to take on this exciting month, and I promise to blog about it!

Just turning up the corners of your mouth can turn around your whole outlook. 

all images via Patterson Maker 

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