
Denim Daze

When I was in elementary school, you wouldn't have been able to tear me away from my jean jacket. It was a staple in my Gap Kid's-dominant wardrobe and I wore it until I lost it, or my mom secretly threw it away. I wore it with dresses, skorts (shorts in a skirt was genius and prime for looking sassy yet athletic at recess), and jeans, because one can never be wearing enough denim. Sadly there were years that my favorite jacket was out of style, but I could not be more excited that it is socially and fashionably acceptable again to wear this "goes-with-everything" jacket. I searched all last year for a denim jacket, with no success, and thought that I was fighting a losing battle to find a replacement for my elementary school jacket. And then a few weeks ago I found the perfect jean jacket (similar Sanctuary jacket here)! It was a great shape, great color, and GREAT price (thank you T. J. Maxx).

Now that I have my perfect jacket, I hope to find other alternatives to carry me through Spring and Summer, like a dark wash and maybe even a fun patterned one like the Marc Jacobs below.  
Dark - Light - Pattern

So, no matter what jacket you choose for this Spring, I hope it brings back memories of your younger fashion statements. 

Searching for skorts. 

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