
Snack Time

I am a big-time snacker and can never make it between meals without munching on something. I love a delicious, sliced apple with a peanut butter and greek yogurt dip, popcorn, veggies and hummus, or something totally sinful like Sonic's Sweet Potato Tots like I did yesterday. Recently, on an expensive trip to Whole Foods, I discovered Gin Gin Chewy Candies and I can't stop eating them. I admit to loving all things ginger so it is no surprise that I love these unique treats. I was also introduced to LaCroix sparkling, flavored water and I can't go a day without it. I am loving the Grapefruit flavor right now but excited to try the rest, like coconut, peach pear, and cran-raspberry.
Love these recipes!

1 comment:

  1. La Croix is my obsession!!!!!!!!I love any of the pink ones but I've got to tell you, I'm not big on the coconut or pear ones! They aren't as refreshing! haha xoxo


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