
Pencil Skirts and Sling-Backs

I know that my blogging tendencies have been scarce lately, but I honestly feel like I have an excuse. As some of you might know, I started my first big-girl, full-time, pencil skirt and sling-back wearing job (that was a lot of hyphens!) last week. I have been at this job for a week now and already love it so much. I loved it the second I walked in to the office. It is a completely different atmosphere than I am used to but I love going to work each morning, even if it is at 7 a.m. 

So my excuse for the single blog post from the last seven days is because I have been adapting to this new schedule of working each day from seven until five and then being so worn out that all I want to do is go home and go to bed. I actually went to bed on Tuesday night when light was still streaming through my window! I have no regret about that early bed time, especially when my alarm went off at five. The early mornings and long days are worth it though when I get to spend my days with a team who have already taught me so much (seeing as that I knew nothing about the industry before starting) and constantly make me laugh. Not to mention that all the building lobbies are stocked with apples and every kitchen has my favorite peanut butter (do the math and you have my daily afternoon snack).

The other great part about a new job, is getting to splurge a little on a new wardrobe. I don't mind wearing pencil skirts and heels each day because for as long as I have been reading blogs I have been reading 9 to 5 Chic and wishing that I had a place to wear all her corporate work outfits. Well guess what? Now I do and I have been looking to her blog for inspiration for the last week. 
Here are some of my favorites!

Working 9 to 5!
Well more like 7 to 5...

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